
Banyak lebah mendatangi bunga yang kurang harum
Kerana banyaknya madu yang dimiliki bunga
Tidak sedikit lebah meninggalkan bunga yang harum kerana sedikitnya madu
Banyak lelaki tampan yang tertarik dan terpesona oleh wanita yang kurang cantik
Kerana memiliki hati yang cantik
Dan tidak sedikit pula wanita cantik ditinggalkan lelaki kerana keburukan hatinya
Karena kecantikan yang sejati bukanlah cantiknya wajah tetapi apa yang ada didalam dada
Maka percantiklah hatimu agar dicintai dan dirindukan semua orang.

“Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat luaran kalian dan rupa kalian akan tetapi Allah melihat hati kalian” – (HR.Muslim)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Islami Ya Quds

Ya Allah. Help all my muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. All the lost for us specially the last days. May all jews burn in hell. One woman lost her 4 daughters. Be there for all theme that lost there love onec. And stop this jews. Ameen. Allahu akbar....we must help out our brothers and sister sin need we must the kafer are clever they ame us fight between eahc other we must not spare anytime and we must go help
Allah Ho Akber Lailaha Illah Ho Muhammadur Rasullulah
Allah Ho Akber Lailaha Illah Ho Muhammadur Rasullulah
Allah Ho Akber Lailaha Illah Ho Muhammadur Rasullulah
Palestine will be free if only the Khilafah is reestablish.
Long live the Khilafah!
Allah huakbar!
May Allah bless you Palestine people.
Lets join together to attack jewish.
Boikot the Israelian product and whose Israel are with Chelsea Football team which manager and player are Israel people....Palestine, your are not alone! We support you and help you to get justice! Don´t give up. The Day will come....... Long live Palestine! Allahu akbar, brothers and sisters!....sultan abdulhamid:''i will not allow to give one piece of land in palestina to the kufar!i will cut my hands off before give one piece of land to the kufar''!..

والله ما يحدث الان في العالم العربي بسبب الحكام العرب المخنثين اللهم انصر
الاسلام والمسلمين

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